In today developed times mostly person use credit card in form of plastic card. Mostly person use this plastic card because this is easy to use for withdraw and deposit money in 2 minute . If you have insufficient of time then you can use plastic card I mean credit or debit card both are different today we talk about debit card pin generation.
Generate new pin for debit card in ATM machine. You can easily create First pin for your debit card if you get your first debit card then you first necessary to generate pin for your debit card but you can only generate your pin of your debit card then you can go only debit card issue bank. Any person get rupay card Bank of Baroda . he can goes only in Bank of Baroda ATM to generate First pin for debit card.
Let's start, first you go to your nearest debit card issues bank ATM card if you have debit card of Bank of Baroda then you go to Bank of Baroda ATM card to generate your first pin
Step2:- swipe debit card in ATM machine
Step3:- choose your language by the button If your ATM machine is touch screen then you can use by touching
Step4:- you can see 2 option
1. Enter pin
2. Change / Generate Pin
Click on second number of option change or generate pin.
Step5:- enter your 16 digit of bank account number click on next
Step6:- Re inter your 16 digit of bank account number and click on next
Step7:- Enter your 10 digit mobile number . Make sure you have inter mobile number which you have in current time and registered in Bank account
Step8:- Enter OTP number and click next
Step9:- Enter your 4 digit pin .
Step10:- Re Enter your 4 digit same pin and click on create .
You can see a successful with green symbol message.
Generate new pin for debit card in ATM machine. You can easily create First pin for your debit card if you get your first debit card then you first necessary to generate pin for your debit card but you can only generate your pin of your debit card then you can go only debit card issue bank. Any person get rupay card Bank of Baroda . he can goes only in Bank of Baroda ATM to generate First pin for debit card.
Let's start, first you go to your nearest debit card issues bank ATM card if you have debit card of Bank of Baroda then you go to Bank of Baroda ATM card to generate your first pin
Step2:- swipe debit card in ATM machine
Step3:- choose your language by the button If your ATM machine is touch screen then you can use by touching
Step4:- you can see 2 option
1. Enter pin
2. Change / Generate Pin
Click on second number of option change or generate pin.
Step5:- enter your 16 digit of bank account number click on next
Step6:- Re inter your 16 digit of bank account number and click on next
Step7:- Enter your 10 digit mobile number . Make sure you have inter mobile number which you have in current time and registered in Bank account
Step8:- Enter OTP number and click next
Step9:- Enter your 4 digit pin .
Step10:- Re Enter your 4 digit same pin and click on create .
You can see a successful with green symbol message.