before starting a blog the main thing or question that rose up in your mind is that on which topic or niche(topic ) your blog should be? whenever you are trying too finding out your blog niche then a other good comes and made you confused but you have to be pay sense , this is the time too ask some question from your ? wait i know you think that what kind of question , there is many type of questions that help you but i mentioned 3 main question that will be help .
- What is your passion and your interest ?
- In which field that make other learn from you ?
- What about you talk with others ?
sometimes we confused about it but think with pay sense what is your passion what in which topic you are able to make other learn from you .

some famous niche :-
- Gaming
- Technology or gadgets.
- recipes blog
- science facts blog
- Sports
- Business
- Finance
- Entertainment
- Art
- Education
if you have any else question then ask in comment box