Find Your Niche card with colorful background with defocused lights

 before starting a blog the main thing or question that rose up in your mind is that on which topic or niche(topic ) your blog should be? whenever you are trying too finding out your blog niche then a other good comes and made you confused but you have to be pay sense , this is the time too ask some question from your ? wait i know you think that what kind of question , there is many type of questions that help you but i mentioned 3 main question that will be help .

  •  What is your passion and your interest ? 
 this question help many one to get niche . In simple way, in what you are passionate about and your interest if anyone interested in gaming and like too play games then he/she can make a gaming based blog/website .therefore you have too ask a question (what is my passion ) from your self .

  •  In which field that make other learn from you ?
 in which field of niche that you can offer and other can learn from you for example: you are a professional editor or gamer then you can make this type of niche blog , don't worry if you are a learner a learner can be teacher .  you can learn many things by teaching other  .

  •    What about you talk with others ?
 if you are interested in any things then don't worry , you have too simply think what you talk or ask wither you friends on social media like fb page or what you wants to see on YouTube . it will help you a lot .

sometimes we confused about it but think with pay sense what is your passion what in which topic you are able to make other learn from you .
Trending topic with Conversation balloon isolated in white background
 some famous niche :-

  1. Gaming
  2.  Technology or  gadgets.
  3.  recipes blog
  4.  science facts blog 
  5. Sports
  6.  Business
  7.  Finance
  8.  Entertainment 
  9.  Art
  10.  Education 

if you have any else question then ask in comment box 

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