10 things to do before publishing a blog post top 10 checklists


Every professional bloggers follow this method to rank his article in Google then you can follow this method before publishing your blog post.
10 things must be remembered before publish a blog post

#1 Post title 

Post title is very important thing in SEO and ranking of your article . I suggested you to choose Google Search suggestion . When you search any thing on Google you got many suggestions form Google so first search your post title on Google and check top sites rank on your post title keyword after you can also change your blog post title like Google top suggestions site. 

#2 Post Permalink 

Permalink is very important thing in  blogging . You must be check your permalink before publishing your article. I suggest you to don't change permalink  after publishing your post because if your article rank with a permalink and its after you will be changed this then you can lose your article ranking on Google  .

#3Check keyword 

You must be done keyword research and know your keywords CPC, traffic, competitions, alternative suggestions keyword you can use many keyword researching tools these are available in both versions paid and free if you are a professional blogger then you can use Paid version give you better experience and analytics. 

#4Check spelling

Every beginners blogger required to check his article in grammarly before publishing Article on website if your article include wrong word then you can not rank your article in Google because Google want to give better search results to its users so if you can't mistake in spelling.  Many blogger not known English very well then you can use many grammar tools for content spelling correction. 

#5 Add images with ALT tag and description

Every bloggers must be use ALT tags and description in every article image . I suggest you to must be add ALT tags simply you can write your post title keyword in ALT tag And write full details of article in description

#6 Interlinked more articles 

If you want to rank your article in Google then you can do interlinking means highlights those words which article has been published on your website and give link of these or another way is that you can suggest them to read these articles and this method helps you to increase page views of your website. 

 #7 No follow link 

You must be add no follow links . Many times you will be written about application and given downloading link and always those links are dofollow link so then you can go to Html editing and write no follow after " tags and after save .

#8 Add minimum 3 search tags

 Add minimum 3 tags for article ranking on Google. You can add more focus keyword that's you are add in your article. 

#9 Jump link tables

Jump link is very important role in ranking of article in Google you can seen mostly jump link is used by job site. Jump means table you can seen some list in table and when you click on more full tables is appears. This makes you're website attractive. 

#10 Rating content 

Rating content is very profitable for ranking in Google. You have seen many blogger used this and get no 1 ranking because if your rating of article is best then Google choose your article for top search results so because Google think here reads experience is best .

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