How to verify address in AdSence without Address verification Pin
Mostly of blogger using Google AdSense on his website. Google AdSense is very safe and trust full advertisement network then AdSense verified every person before payment . After reaching $10 that's after send you Pin on your Residential Address . It can take 2 to 4 week to reach in AdSense Pin to your residential Palace. After Entering the Pin code you have been able to verify your Address and complete Address verification and get your payment after reaching minimum 100$ payment threshold.
You can easily verify your address in Google AdSense without pin after sending 2-3 times pin and after 2-4 weeks that's after you can't got pin from AdSense due to bad post office systems of your country and Area that's after you can verify your Address after filling a form provided by AdSense.
Required things to fill AdSense Address verification form
AdSense Address verification form |
Some information required to fill AdSense Address verification form
1. Enter your name in name box .please enter same name as on AdSense account information
2. Enter your AdSense account Email
3. Enter Publishers Id . Go to AdSense account information section and copy publisher id and paste on form
4. Capture a photo of government issued identity card That's photo will be visible to see Your Address of government card . You can capture backward photo of Adhaar card and driving licence, voter card .
Upload your photo and the field name email id and publisher ID and submit your form some time after you can get email reply from Google AdSense on your email ID.